Sunday, May 17, 2009

weekend in [music] review

I have been listening to the new Tori album all weekend! It's available for streaming (in full) on her myspace before it's released this Tuesday. So far, I'm loving it. Well, I can pretty much guarantee I will always love anything she comes out with. BUT, in all honesty, I'm not quite getting the entire album. I've only listened to bits and pieces of some of the songs, but a few of them are even too lyrically obscure for my taste...and just kind of made me go "ehh- not so much." My absolute favorite so far is "Curtain Call." If you want a very detailed review of the album, I recommend you check out this one. Overall, I think it's another great delivery from Tori- but a few songs could've been left out.

Moving on. I spent some time just letting my itunes actually go through shuffle (you know, without skipping to the next song I know I actually want to listen to) and rediscovered a few great songs. Here's the list:

1. Dogs -Damien Rice ...I am loving this one. I think I probably didn't ever devote enough time to listening to the 9 album, and I have plans of doing so. 
2. Paper Aeroplane -KT Tunstall ...ditto, but replace 9 with Drastic Fantastic.
3. Waking Up in Vegas -Katy Perry ...guilty pop music pleasure. I've had the whole album since it came out, but hadn't given this song a second listen until it started coming on the radio a week ago. and it is now my ringtone. I'm kind of embarrassed to say that.

Short list, I know. But it's one I am loving right now! (#3 will be short-lived, especially after the 4.3 millionth time I've heard it on the radio/my phone). 

Goodbye weekend. :(

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